Bad Kitty 2

Sequel to Bad Kitty 1

Sasi N.
3 min readDec 2, 2023
Image of a cat wearing sun glasses, round frame, making this cat look like a cat gangster!
Photo by Raoul Droog on Unsplash

Right now I’m not feeling well,
It feels as if I’m under a spell,
I look at my food in the bowl,
“Don’t eat that!” I’m told.
My stomach isn’t ready for food,
The whole system’s in a bad mood,
I’m glad I can manage to drink,
It helps delay how quickly I sink.
I need you to know this is not your fault,
You have lots to do as a human adult,
You have lots of changes to go through,
Work is busy and the dog is sick, too!
Yes, you could have treated me better,
But I could have made it easier,
For you to care for me,
Instead of waking you up at three.

I remember nine years ago,
You adopted me from this lady at Petco,
That was one week before the car accident,
I will never forget that moment.
You came home not walking straight,
Covered in stitches and that big-ass band-aid,
Your poor spirit was in fear,
So, I made sure I stayed near.
I slept on your legs to give you comfort,
I hope I helped heal you somewhat,
I’ve always known I am your cat,
Then I grew up and that’s that.
As a cat, I need to play games,
I demand, I judge, and I blame,
Being “bad” is in my DNA,
There’s nothing more that I can say.
I have to hide how much I love you,
And how I want you to love me, too,
I purposefully make it hard to read,
It appears all you need to do is to feed.
But the truth is I want more,
I might pretend to rub on the door,
Instead of coming over to sit on you,
Like most other cats would do.
I have a different personality,
I know I’m a little crazy,
The truth is I do want your love,
The same way you adore those two doves.
You tell them, ‘I love you,’ every day,
I do like hearing you say,
I love you, Isabella,
Why don’t you come to mama?

Sometimes I give in to your sweetness,
Sometimes I pretend I couldn’t care less,
Please know it’s hard to be a female cat,
Most of us grow up to be brats.
Deep down I love you to pieces,
Wishing you well and all the happiness,
Today I’m sick, so my guard is down,
I will profess my love to you now.
I have seen you cry many times,
While turning your feelings into rhymes,
Nine years of joy and heartbreaks,
Nine years of triumphs and mistakes.
I’ve been through all of them with you,
Both when you’re bright and when you’re blue,
It might look like I don’t really care,
None of your pain I seem to share.
That couldn’t be far from the truth,
I pretend to judge but I want to soothe,
So, look beyond my pretending,
I’m very capable of feeling.
Especially when it has to do with you,
I want to make your pain mine, too,
I’m curious to see what the vet has to say,
Why my tummy hasn’t been feeling okay.
I’ve been vulnerable long enough,
Now I need to go back to acting tough,
No matter what happens,
Always remember you’re my human.
I love you from the bottom of my heart,
Both when we’re close and when we’re apart!

-- June 17, 2018

In 2018, Isabella was 9 years old. If you are interested in the prequel (the original Bad Kitty), here is the link to Bad Kitty (1). Also, here is the link to the Sequel of Bad Kitty 2, which is Bad Kitty 3, featuring Bad Mommy.



Sasi N.

A human, artist, heart-centered photographer, Reiki believer, & humble student, showing up and saying things I was not able to express before.