Some Higher Power

Is anyone out there looking for me?

Sasi N.
2 min readJun 16, 2024
Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

My body is neatly wrapped,
In a black dress, strapped down and found trapped,
Floating aimlessly on open waters,
In a coffin, put together by some unskilled carpenters.

My eyes are shut; my dress is thin,
My skin is awake with just a light touch of wind,
I don’t know if I’m dead or alive,
Is this reality or am I swimming inside my own mind?

The waves are making me feel ill,
While my body is forced to lie still,
Does anyone know I’m floating alone out here,
Drowning in anxiety and extreme fear?

I feel cold and hot at the same time,
My nerves are antsy trying to comprehend this crime,
Is anyone out there looking for me?
Can anyone even spot my distraught body?

As the day slowly transitions into a hopeless night,
I don’t know if I have what it takes to win this fight,
How did I end up in this crooked coffin?
Who decided I deserve this predicament?

Please stop the ocean from moving,
Breathing becomes more cumbersome than dying,
If fighting for life feels this awful,
Then fate isn’t supporting the life of this fool.

I see no end in sight,
It’s just me under the bottomless sky,
One moment weaves itself into the next,
A little life no one wants to resurrect.

My body is neatly wrapped,
My location cannot be found on any map,
Floating aimlessly on open waters,
This little life solely relies on some higher power.

June 13, 2024

Rest in peace and welcome home, Peoria!



Sasi N.

A human, artist, heart-centered photographer, Reiki believer, & humble student, showing up and saying things I was not able to express before.