Bad Kitty 3

Featuring Bad Mommy

Sasi N.
2 min readDec 2, 2023
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

It was Thanksgiving morning,
I woke up to you pacing
In and out of the litter box,
6.29 was showing on the clock.

Your meows sounded different,
Last night something bad happened,
Your medication wasn’t working,
Or its side effect was showing.

Then, it hit me really hard,
All my complaints in the past,
None of them was applicable now,
On Thanksgiving, a new perspective was found.

I used to love convenience,
Her litter box was my cause of grievance,
I used to hate every second cleaning it,
Now I monitor it like a fucking scientist.

I used to prefer medications that are once daily,
Making it easier for me,
But with her pacing in pain,
I would gladly administer the medicine again.

I used to be annoyed by her loud meows,
Her spunky singing stopped, and shit got real,
Now I want her to be bad and hop on the kitchen counter,
I no longer mind wiping it down after.

I guess it was appropriate,
I needed to learn to appreciate,
Be thankful for my baby, the Orange Tabby,
Happy Fucking Thanksgiving to me!

– December 2, 2023



Sasi N.

A human, artist, heart-centered photographer, Reiki believer, & humble student, showing up and saying things I was not able to express before.